
Welcome to MGCL College

The Sumitra Foundation, led by philanthropists, has made a commitment to provide quality education in the country. In order to give concrete shape to its benevolent ideas, the foundation established the Mahatma Gandhi College of Law (MGCL), in the year 1999, the first in a series of educational institutions in various professional disciplines, such as Engineering, Information Technology, Medicine, Mass Communication, Languages, Arts and Music. The sentiment prompting the establishment of MGCL at Gwalior is to impart Legal Education per excellence to all aspiring students at an affordable fee.

MGCL recognizes that the practice of law, like commerce and business, has assumed global importance and therefore, it seeks to integrate students from all backgrounds and regions into one vibrant, intellectually diverse community and give them the skills and knowledge they need in order to succeed in today's competitive world. A law degree is a powerful asset and provides a variety of opportunities in the new economic and political world order.

The logo of MGCL bears profound words from our scriptures: Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah, which literally means that law maintains those that maintain the law. Law is embodied as Dharma in our ancient texts. We will strive to provide the knowledge and learning of law and to broaden the perspective of students, so that they may perceive law in its true sense of virtue and become just and capable of delivering true service to humanity.



To foster exceptional legal minds with a passion for justice, integrity, and innovation. We strive to produce ethical leaders who can shape a fair and progressive society through their legal expertise.


Our mission is to provide a transformative legal education that combines academic excellence, practical skills, and a strong sense of ethics. We aim to empower students to become socially responsible advocates and catalysts for positive change.